On 27 May 2015, Belgocontrol, the Belgian company in charge of the Air Traffic Control, suffered from an electrical failure that paralysed the Belgian airspace for most of the day (from 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM), with many flights cancelled and redirected. BeCA was interviewed on this incident, expressing our misunderstanding on the reasons why the backups did not work. It is important that lessons be drawn from the incident to ensure it does not happen again in the future. You can
- Article (27 May 2015) on DH.be (in French): Pourquoi les back-ups n’ont-ils pas fonctionné?
- Video (30 May 2015) from the French-speaking TV channel RTBF – “7 à la une”: Panne à Belgocontrol: a-t-on évité le drame ?